GOOGLE IN 1998 - Google Gravity

google in 1998   link admin zeus The very first logo was designed in 1996. It was a red BackRub inscription against a hand. Only in 1998, when BackRub was rebranded to Google,

semar128 Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is an American Business magnate and computer scientist who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google, one of the most profitable Internet Head over to Google, search for Google in 1998 and see what happens. The site will take you back to how it looked a decade and a half ago.

kode kuota murah telkomsel Sejarah Hari Ini, 4 September 1998 Google Berdiri, Kini Ultah ke-25 ,iN - Pada tanggal 4 September 1998, sebuah perusahaan 4) Sekarang, coba search Google in 1998. Resultnya, balik jadi google jaman dulu lhoo..

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