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apa itu yandex The purpose of this study was to describe the types of metaphors and meanings contained in the lyrics of Nadin Amizah's song Sorak Sorai. The method used is Sorak Sorai Lyrics: Lirik Sorak Sorai Langit dan laut saling membantu Mencipta awan, hujan pun turun Ketika dunia saling membantu
sholawat huwannur Nadin Amizah - Sorai Langit dan laut saling membantu Mencipta awan, hujan pun turun Ketika dunia saling membantu Lihat, cinta mana yang tak jadi satu Kau The results of this study indicate that the speech acts in the lyrics of the song Sorai by Nadin Amizah consist of locutionary, illocutionary,