CANDID ADALAH - 8 Tips Menjepret Foto Candid yang Menarik

candid adalah   prediksi singapura Definisi Candid. Candid artinya jujur dan langsung. Dalam konteks fotografi, candid merujuk pada foto yang diambil tanpa disadari oleh subjek.

foto kucing imut aesthetic A candid photograph is a photograph captured without creating a posed appearance. The candid nature of a photograph is unrelated to the subject's knowledge. I can help you with a few tips for mastering candid photography. The goal is to both learn to see and capture candid moments so that you can tell a story.

rahasia hati chord Menurut kamus Oxford, candid adalah photograph is one that is taken without the person in it knowing that they are being photographed. Jika Fotografi candid adalah foto apa pun yang menangkap momen autentik dan tidak dipotret. Ini tentang mempertahankan ekspresi, emosi, dan interaksi.

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