tough artinya ligaonline888 eng! 'tough day' tuh maksudnya ngalamin hari hari beraat atau gimana yaa guys?
chip domino tough it out, Informal. to endure or resist hardship or adversity. More idioms and phrases containing tough. get tough; gut it out; hang tough; hard ( 40. Life is tough, but so am I. 41. Stay classy, sassy,
jitu toto Gasolina Artinya · Gasolina · Gasolina Song. . . 394 Tough. Adjektiva . Baik sekali; Pekat; Bengis; Liut; Tabah; Alot; Berat; Kejam; Kental; Keras; Kuat; Kasar; Tak empuk; Berani; Sukar; Sulit